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Q: What is a data space and how to create shared peer to peer dataspace?
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How do you share data over network?

Data is commonly shared over the network by creating a network share. The network share is typically a shared folder that may or may not have password protection.

What are the strength of the database?

Reduced data redundancy, Improved data integrity, Shared data, Easier access, Reduced development time

Could there be valuable data in unallocated space?

Unallocated space doesn't contain any data.

Outline three possible problems of sharing data within a network?

When you share data you are allowing other people to see whatever folders are shared on your computer and you can see whatever folders are shared on their computer. There are some inherent problems, like someone deleting an important paper you wrote and stored it on the shared network. Some disgruntled employee could easily delete everything on the shared network. Finally, someone could change data that you had on the shared network.

What does a frictionless data do?

Frictionless data means sharing data though social media sources. It a cheap way of sharing data and allows for massive amounts of data to be shared easily.

Define the difference between data and information?

Data is called raw data or facts. But data with some context is called information, and information becomes knowledge which can be shared.

When should you link to an external data source?

If an application other than access is also going to update the data. if the data is shared over a network.