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Local Area Network or LAN

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Q: What is a computer network that is confined to one site?
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How do you delete an unsecured computer to computer network?

One should be using the Server in order to delete one computer in a network.

What is intra network?

when one symstem of one computer is connected to the system of other network it is called intra network

What can one do on the website My Network Places?

There is no My Network Places website. My Network Places is a folder within your computer system where people can find the different Network connections to the computer.

What is the process of one computer communicating to just one other computer on a network?


Why does One computer on network drops another computer on network?

One computer on a network will drop another if both computers are using the same IP Address. This can be solved by assigning both computers automatic IP address, and Windows will automatically deal with the network issue.

Who formed computer Network?

No one person.

Personal computer vs network computer?

Personal Computer is the computer that is not connected unto any other computer. Network Computer are computers that are inter-connected with each others. Network Computer can access any other computers files/data from one another.

What is telenet?

Noun A network protocol that allows a user on one computer to log on to another computer that is part of the same network.

What is a network types of network and how network mission is critical in business?

network is connection of two or more computers .three main types of network:1.LAN(local area network) means-LAN are confined to a small area.Usually,this small area is within a single building,although it need not be confined to just a single office.Sometimes LAN's spread through several buildings on the same site.2.MAN (METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORK) means-A MAN is a computer network run by one (1) organisation that connects together several LAN's across a larger area such as a city.It is larger than a LAN3.WAN (WIDE AREA NETWORK) means-A WAN is a computer network spread over a very large area,and uses satellite and other connection rather than cablethere are also 2 others4. CAN (campus area network)5. PAN (personal area network)1.PEER-TO-PEER2.CLIENT/SERVERBUISNESS DATA & INFORMATION CAN BE SHARED BY DIFFRENT BUISNESS ORGANISATIONS SITUATED AT DIFFRENT LOCATION.IDENTIFYING JOB OPENINGS AND ARRANGING MEETINGS WITH THE PEOPLE WHO WILL MAKE THE HIRING DECICIONS

Connecting one computer to another creates a?


Where might one purchase an internet adapter for a computer?

There are many retailers where one can purchase a network adapter for one's computer. Network adapters can be purchased at eBay, Amazon, Mwave, and Newegg.

What is the largest computer network today?

Largest Computer Network : I define as one large corporate WAN that uses various methods to transport data inter site and inter state.Possibly the Navy/Marine Corps Intranet or the Australian NSW Department of Education and Training.This could change if Google, Microsoft or Akamai ever detailed their network infrastructure.