It is: CDX = 410
CDX represents the number 410.
There are various places one can find more information about CDX. One can visit the CDX homepage for more information or go to the US Environmental Protection Agency for helpful CDX hints.
The Pioneer CDX FM687 CD changer has excellent sound quality.
Unfortunately not. Beogram 3404 is designed for the MMC 20 series cartridges (MMC 20S with spherical stylus, MMC 20E with elliptical stylus, MMC 20EN with nude elliptical stylus, MMC 20CL with Contact Line stylus).
It is: 410 = CDX
The Sony CDX-GT730UI doesn't have direct support for the iPod, but it can be connected easily via a mini-to-mini cable.
A Numark CDX can be purchased online at Amazon. It can also be purchased in store at numerous electronic stores including Best Buy, Fry's Electronics, and Tiger Direct.
With some basic technical know how,installing the Pioneer CDX FM687 CD changer should be an easy tsk.
CDX refer to the 2 side and the type of glue used to laminate C being the better side D the worser of the 2 X meaning exterior