No, but Linux is based on Unix since Linux is a Unix clone.
In a sense, I suppose you could say it was a descendant of Unix; it is actually a clone of the Unix environment and Operating System.
Unix came first; Linux is a clone of the Unix Operating System.
Definitely not. Unix was developed around 1969 - 1972, and Operating Systems have been available since the very late 1940's, early 50's.
Unix and windows are two separate groups of operating systems. Windows is the operating system of about 90% of personal computers, while unix is the basis of many other operating systems, such as Mac OS X
UUCP is the abbriviation of Unix to Unix copy. It is worldwide email system called UUCP or Unix to Unix copy.This email system was developed for the operating system called Unix.
Unix work is performed by users of the unix system, for application and system programs, or anything that requires a Unix system.
Unix commands
A computer that runs Unix.
A Unix console is a CLI interface through which to control or monitor a Unix computer.
Unix configuration is the process of tailoring a freshly installed version of Unix to your particular environment. Each Unix system may do that differently.
Solaris is a specific version of Unix; the term 'Unix' refers to a classification, and several vendors provide a Unix-like environment. So, in a sense, Unix and Solaris are the same thing.