third-party "enhancement" utility software
You can find information on third party software on the internet. Some third party software are ItWorld, NetWorkWorld, Infoworld, and vmware. You can look up more information on their websites.
No but you can get banned by using Third Party Software's AKA Bots. No but you can get banned by using Third Party Software's AKA Bots.
Umonit.exe is a third party USB monitoring utility.
Third party software can be superior in offering what windows did not make available in their released versions giving it capabilities that go beyond the means of the original build.
Services console
You can buy it at a retail store or online. You can download freeware (free software). You can download shareware (software you try for a time, then pay for if you like). Third party software is considered anything that didn't come installed in the OS (Operating System) or is not developed in-house.
The first two parties are the entity purchasing the software (the buyer), and the entity manufacturing the software (the seller).
No. It is produced directly by Microsoft.
Of course not.
Probably from some third-party software.