

Best Answer

rpc basement with storage rooms for the patients in etr

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Q: What is Storage room?
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Where do people keep their water supply in the past?

They keep it in their house storage room,or in their room if they have no storage room.

A storage room holds 263 boxes.About how many boxes does the storage room hold?

260 boxes

Who stole the valuable cord from the storage room?

The thief who took the valuable cord from the storage room is unknown.

Where is the storage room on Counterfeit Island?

it is in the statue room

What is a hopper room?

A room devoted to storage containers

What is a storage for a room called?

A pantry

What do you do with a storage key in the abandoned ship?

use it open the storage room .you eill get an item

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They have their command room, meeting room, kitchen and dining room, sleeping room, and storage room for food and weapons.

On hotel dusk room 215 were is the black light?

its in the storage room in the cabinet

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She kept........................................................................................................................................

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Storage room