it is an interconnection network that is designed for connection between processors.this model works whit 2 functions:shuffle and exchange.
shuffle function: shuffle( sn-1,sn-2,...,s0)= (sn-2,...,s0,sn-1)
exchange function: exchange (sn-1,sn-2,...,s0)=(sn-1,sn-2,...,~s0)
for example,we can sum integers whit shuffle exchange network with this algorithm:
for i=1 to log n do
for all pj where 0<= j <= n do
shuffle aj
bj := aj
exchange bj
aj := aj+bj
end for
end for
this model of interconnection networks is SIMD(single instruction multiple data) from Flynn architecture and in useful for parallel algorithms.
Stack Exchange Network was created in 2008.
The Gnutella Network is a network used primarily to exchange files on a peer to peer basis.
What are the major network infrastructure for installing Exchange 2003
A network cable allows two computers to exchange packets of information.
computer network is the interconnected collection of autonomous computers & they are able to exchange information
The rule of information exchange
Cupid Shuffle
Combined Information Data Network Exchange (CIDNE)
shuffle makes it shuffle your songs and don't replay them and shuffle repeat shuffles the songs and can repeat songs
It's the Cupid Shuffle by Cupid.
Each alveolus is surrounded by a network of capillaries, which are tiny blood vessels responsible for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide with the surrounding tissues. This network allows efficient gas exchange to occur in the lungs.