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SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) is the death of an apparently healthy infant that remains unexplained after a thorough autopsy and death scene investigation. There appears to be no suffering in most cases; death occurs very rapidly, usually during sleep. SIDS is the leading killer of infants between one week and one year with an approximate rate of two per thousand live births (1 in 500). 6,000-7,000 babies die of SIDS every year in the US. The peak age is around two to four months and the majority of the deaths occur during the winter months (October to April in the Northern Hemisphere). Researchers believe that SIDS probably has more than one cause, although the final process appears to be similar in most cases. SIDS can not predicted, prevented, or reversed. [This was excerpted from a FAQ in Copyright 1995, Margaret Gibbs. Use and copying of this information are permitted as long as (1) no fees or compensation are charged for use, copies or access to this information, and (2) this copyright notice is included intact.]

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Q: What is SIDS?
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Related questions

Who can you contact for more information about SIDS?

SIDS Alliance: (800) 221-SIDS San Diego Guild for Infant Survival: (619) 222-9662 California SIDS program: (800) 369-SIDS SIDS Massachusetts Center: (617) 534-SIDS i am doing a reseach about sids and i have to have all differtant thing about itcan you send me paper about it please

How many sids does a heptagon?

Not sure about sids, but it has 7 sides.

In the acronym SIDS what does the you stand for?

SIDS is Sudden Infant Death Sydrome.

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Are you one of my sids?

Can smoking cause SIDS?

Smoking doesn't cause SIDS. I lost a baby to SIDS in 2003 and I didn't smoke. There are remarks that it could be related but because no one knows what causes SIDS everyone just speculates.There is a strong correlation between parental smoking and SIDS.

When toddlers die from SIDS do they have marks on their heads?

Toddlers do not die of SIDS. After six months of age, SIDS is extremely rare. The acronym SIDS stands for Sudden INFANT Death Syndrome. Toddlers do not die of SIDS. Marks anywhere on the body of a dead infant would be cause for a coroners examination and possible inquiry.

Is REM sleep deprivation associated with SIDS?

Is REM sleep deprivation associated with SIDS?

If you had a child die from SIDS can your granddaughter have the same problem?

No, SIDS is not a heredity or genetic disease.

What is a SIDS event?

A SIDS event is when an infant dies for no apparent reason usually in their sleep.

How can you tell if your baby has SIDS or any signs of SIDS?

There are no signs to tell if your baby will pass to SIDS. SIDS is sudden & silent & unexpected. There is no way to tell until your baby is gone.

How many sids does a cone have?

A cone does not have any sids. A finite cone has two faces.

Is there a cure for SIDS?

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is a medical term that describes the sudden death of an infant which remains unexplained after all known and possible causes have been carefully ruled out through autopsy, death scene investigation, and review of the medical history.