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It allows you to combine elements of different styles together.

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Q: What is Merge Styles button in Excel?
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Which button formats data as a table in Excel?

In Excel 2007, use the "Format as Table" button in the Styles section of the Home tab.

Which of the following is the path to the Conditional Formatting button?

It is on the Home Tab, in the Styles group. On older versions of Excel it is on the Format menu.

How do you adjoin two cells in Excel?

If you have 2007, go to the ribbon "Home" and click on "Merge". This will only take the first cell's information.

Why merge Excel sheets into notepad?

You can not merge excel documents into notepad, but you can copy data from Excel and paste it into notepad if you want to remove all of the formatting and have only plain text.

Can you use an Excel document to merge into labels?

Yes, Excel can be used as the source of data for a Mail Merge of any kind, so that includes labels.

What button is used to merge cells so that you can position the table title across the columns?

The Merge and Center button.

What command combines a range of cells into one cell that occupies the same amount of space in excel?

The name is "merge and center", which combines all highlighted cells. For newer versions of Excel this is on the "Home" tab.

How do I retain Excel cell formatting during mail merge into a table in Word?

Merge brings one to several individual cells from Excel into Word. The formatting in the merged Word document depends on Word, not Excel. If you would like to retain the same formatting as you had in Excel, then format the target location in Word to match the cell from Excel.

Where is the formula error button in Excel 2007?

There is no formula error button in Excel. However, there is an Error Checking button on the Formulas ribbon in the Formula Auditing section in Excel 2007.

What button is used to merge cells so that you can position table across the columns?

Merge Cells

What can Microsoft Word do that Excel and Powerpoint can not?

There are a lot of things Word does, that Excel and Powerpoint don't. Probably the most significant of these is Mail Merge.

What button opens a menu of basic commands such as save and print in Excel?

Excel 2003 and older: File menu button Excel 2007 and newer: MS Office button (circle at top left of window)