To the best of our knowledge, Justin Bieber does not have an official, public Oovoo screen name. Therefore, be cautious, because any "Justin Bieber"s you may find are only pretending to be him and are fake.
Justin Bieber does, however, have official facebook, myspace, twitter, and YouTube pages. Those links are below.
WikiAnswers does not disclose personal information about people, famous or non-famous alike, due to privacy regulations and WikiAnswers policies. This includes personal phone numbers (cell or house phones), personal email accounts, or personal addresses.
Sabrina vaz
she has one but her username has not be publicized
Don't know, but i do know he is on Oovoo. Justin bier and Joe Jonas Have an Oovoo too! If you have an Oovoo try to let them be your friend!
If u have a ooVoo click on all contacts then click on the button on the top right and go to the button tht says search ooVoo contact then put there email or username
Only Megan Fox has an oovoo tht we know of right now! so no.
No official fan Oovoo has been announced at this time. Any contacts you receive on Oovoo from "Mindless Behaviour" are most likely fakes or posers and therefore very dangerous.
His oovoo name is mr.shottacker I know because his sister is my best friend and Justin and I are like best friends as well.........naw I'm playing why would I give u his oovoo he would be mad at me for doing that sorry
His oovoo name is roc143 BUT hes on private so he has to add you
Nope x
Ya china Anne McClain has an oovoo but her username I don't it is but you can just look up china McClain just look or get china Anne McClain or her username is me cold some number but I don't know what they are so she says that she is the real china Anne McClain but she is not the real one I called her and she is not that girl is such a bit..
Yes, I do have ooVoo!
well this is Nicki minaj and mine is official Nicki lewinski dnt tell anyone