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802 represents the last two digits of the year in which the first meeting was held (1980) and the month (February).

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Q: What is Ieee 802 standards?
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Which of the IEEE 802 network standards defines wireless ethernet Standards?


What components make up the IEEE802 implementation?

The IEEE 802 refers to a family of IEEE standards dealing with local area networks and metropolitan area networks. The IEEE stands for the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. The IEEE 802 standards are resricted to networks carrying variable size packets. The number 802 was simply the next free number the IEEE could assign.

What is the name for the computer network architecture standards developed by the IEEE for wireless?

Project 802

Ethernet hardware is governed by the ieee802 rules what do the letters ieee stand for and what is the significance of the 802?

IEEE stands for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEE802 is a specification for family of IEEE and standards dealing with local area networks and metropolitan area networks. More specifically, the IEEE 802 standards are restricted to networks carrying variable-size packets.

What is ieee 802.11 lan?

IEEE 802.11 is a set of standards carrying out wireless local area network (WLAN) computer communication in the 2.4, 3.6 and 5 GHz frequency bands. They are created and Maintained by the IEEE LAN/MAN standards committee (IEEE 802).

What are ieee standards?

LAN standards are these of IEEE 802 group:802.3 - Ethernet802.11 a/b/g/n - Wireless LAN and Wi-Fi802.13 - 100BASE-X Ethernet802.15 - Wireless PAN (Personal Area Network)802.15.2 - IEEE 802.15 and IEEE 802.11 coexistence802.16 - Broadband Wireless Access (WiMAX certification)

What are ieee lan standards?

LAN standards are these of IEEE 802 group:802.3 - Ethernet802.11 a/b/g/n - Wireless LAN and Wi-Fi802.13 - 100BASE-X Ethernet802.15 - Wireless PAN (Personal Area Network)802.15.2 - IEEE 802.15 and IEEE 802.11 coexistence802.16 - Broadband Wireless Access (WiMAX certification)

What are the sublayers of the Data Link layer are as defined in the IEEE 802 standards?

Logical link control sublayer and media access control sublayer

802 is a IEEE standard for?

According to IEEE the 802STANDARD is used for LAN Standard.

8 what ieee standards describe Ethernet what ieee standards describe wireless lan?

It's IEEE 802.3 for Ethernet and IEEE 802.11 for Wireless LANs.

Why 802 is named as 802?

The IEEE was started at February, 1980. So they started to name their standard as 802 such as 802.2, 802.3,802.11 .... 802 - 80 Represents the year when they started 2 - Represents the month

Which of the ieee 802 standard is Ethernet standard?

802.1 Actually, I think the answer is 802.3.