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Babbage designed 3 machines but built none:

  1. Difference Engine - This was a machine for calculating polynomial functions by the "method of differences". He had a government contract to design and build a prototype, but he got diverted by ideas for a better machine (Analytical Engine) that could solve a much wider range of problems also he argued repeatedly with his machinist delaying parts. Eventually parliament canceled the contract for nonfulfillment and the project died.
  2. Analytical Engine - This was an actual general purpose programable digital mechanical computer, but without funding it couldn't be built.
  3. Difference Engine II - This was a redesigned Difference Engine using concepts from the Analytical Engine, the parts count was reduced by over a factor of 6 thus reducing the cost by a similar factor but with the same calculation ability as the original Difference Engine. Babbage tried to convince the government to fund this, but parliament decided they had wasted enough money on this crackpot already, and without funding it couldn't be built.

Two copies of Difference Engine II have been built by the London Science Museum, to prove that the machine could be built to 1840's machining tolerances and work (a long debated point). Both work as designed computing correct answers. However the machines have a tendency to break difficult to replace parts, so the museums tend to select simple problems to solve that avoid using known broken parts instead of replacing them.

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The Babbage engine, was the first calculating machine.

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it was an engine similar to a big calculator

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