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Multiple processors can be very beneficial for people who do work with computer programs such as drawing programs or other processing programs. It is also helpful when playing games that have a large amount of graphics.

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Q: What involves the use of multiple processors in a single computer?
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What is quard core?

A quad core is one component (computer chip) consisting of multiple cores (computer processors). Processors were originally developed only using one core. If you wanted to do multiprocessing you needed to have two processors in your computer which meant having a special motherboard that could support multiple processors. The new processors (referred to as Multi-Core processors) are simply a single chip with two or more processors.

How many central processors are there in modern computers?

Number of Processors in a Computer depends on the type of Computer. If it is a Server Computer then it use Multiple Processors based Motherboard to serve with fast operations whereas normal Home based computers are machines with single Processors.Nowadays CPU can comprise of Multiple Cores of CPUs on a single fabric, for eg. Intel Dual Core, Core2Duo & Coe2Quad CPUs.

Can multiple computers be hardwired to a single computer?

no as this would increase the load on a single processor thereby causing reduced performance also different frequencies of other processors will not match the given proccssor

What is the name for multiple processors running simultaneously to execute a single task?

Parallel processing

What is meant when referring to a quad core computer?

A quad core computer is a computer with four cores as its processor. This means that it has four central processing units (CPUs), which allows it to run faster and allow for parallel computing.

What is a single core ghz?

"Single core" refers to the computer's main chip having a single processor. Newer models, such as Intel's i3, i5 and i7, have multiple processors (2, 4, or 6 processors), usually called multiple "cores", on a single chip. GHz refers to the clock speed of each individual processor. It gives you a rough idea of how fast it can process data. However, the processing speed will also depend on other factors.

What is flynn's taxonomy of parallel architecture?

Flynn's taxonomy classifies parallel computing architectures based on instruction and data streams. It consists of four categories: SISD (single-instruction, single-data), SIMD (single-instruction, multiple-data), MISD (multiple-instruction, single-data), and MIMD (multiple-instruction, multiple-data). This classification helps in analyzing and understanding different types of parallel computing systems and their characteristics.

What is parallel processing or processor?

Parallel processing is a processing method that uses multiple processors simultaneously to execute a single program or task Processor is a electronic component on a computer's motherboard that interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate the computer

What are the limitations in current computer related hardware?

There are probably many different challenges; here is one: It is getting difficult to continue doubling the speed of a single processor every few years, as has been the case in the past. Processors continue getting faster, but not much. The future lies in using multiple parallel processors - 2, 4, 8, or eventually even hundreds or thousands of them in a single machine (many processors can be placed on a single chip). Chips with these capabilities are already on the market - like the Core 2 Duo by Intel. However, much of the existing software will have to be rewritten to take advantage of multiple processors.

The company that is famous for manufacturing computer processors?

Many do, a few are:IBMFreescaleAMDIntelRockwell CollinsTexas InstrumentsAnalog Devices (DSP)National SemiconductorCyrix

Can multiple processors can be installed in a single processor housing?

Yes, these are called micro-processors. If you have a dual-core CPU, it means you have two micro-processors running in your CPU rather than just one.

Can multiple processors be installed in a single processor housing?

Yes, these are called micro-processors. If you have a dual-core CPU, it means you have two micro-processors running in your CPU rather than just one.