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Each operating system has several different browsers that a person can use. Most of the browsers are free and have unique features, but the ones that are used the most frequently depends on what each user likes. For instance, one user may prefer speed while another prefers their browser to be social media oriented.

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Q: What internet browser is mostly used?
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Does an Internet browser allow a user to connect to the Internet?

No after you are connected to the internet the browser is used

What is the use of a browser?

Well, an Internet Browser is used for what it says. Browsing the internet.

What a browser used for?

A browser is used to view and navigate webpages on the internet.

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"WorldWideWeb" was the first internet browser visit here for more pc secrets

Explain how a web browser works?

An internet browser - in simplified terms - A piece of software which is used to view pages received from an internet server.

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An internet browser is a program that allows you to connect to the internet. Anything that doesn't comnect you to the internet is not an internet browser..

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The internet is a massive network of computer networks. The browser is a piece of software that is used to view web sites on the internet, i.e., "surf the web".

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An example of a browser (web browser) is Firefox, which is used to allow the user onto the internet (world wide web).

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Yes , internet explorer is the example of the Browser .

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The browser, firefox, allows you to surf the internet.

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