If your PC fails to boot, or displays a BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death), occasionally this is caused by a faulty stick of ram.
One thing you could do to test the ram, is to download a program called memtest. Have a look at this website, for more details
Hope this helps
be safe
Cadishead Computers
AnswerI'm the one who asked the question. Just to clarify - I'd like to understand how I might know when one of my RAM memory sticks on my Dell PC might be deteriorating or has gone bad. Thank you. AnswerI'm the one who asked the question. Just to clarify - I'd like to understand how I might know when one of my RAM memory sticks on my Dell PC might be deteriorating or has gone bad. Thank you.Answer
There is as far as im aware, no physical way of telling if a ram stick is going bad, apart from the issues, i stated above.
The simplest way of telling, is to download the program memtest, this will physically test the ram sticks, and let you know if it is deteriorating.
Sorry I cant be of more use to you at this time.
Be safe
Cadishead Computers
Parity error indicates bad memory. Parity checks compare the memory read with what was writen.
Page 21 of the owners manual indicates the 4GB is the larges stick that the camera can use. However I believe it is talking about the CF memory stick not the Sony memory stick. I purchased a 4G Sony memory stick and the camera refused to recognize it. I do have a 2G Sony stick in the camera that works just fine. I also have a 2G CF stick that has no problem with the camera.
A 201 error message appears which indicates the RAM failure.
Panic as this is very bad and indicates a serious internal failure
yesnobecoz with a memory stick pro duoyou get 2 memory stick pros
This is usually caused by a bad memory stick. Open up the PC and remove the memory-sticks. clean the contacts with an eraser and blow away the remnants, reinsert the memory and restart the PC. If this does not work you may need a new memory stick.
bad memory. most error codes that begin with 2 indicates memory error of some sort.
get a memory stick get a memory stick
u need a memory stick
A memory stick is electric that holds lots of memory and thing from your computer
Yes - unless the memory stick is formatted.
You can transfer memory stick data to Gmail easily. It can be done via attaching the memory stick to computer. Then attaching files by browsing the memory stick.