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A URL is just a link to a website. If you type it into the Address bar of your browser, that site will open. If you type it into a search bar, it won't automatically appear but it may give you results that lead to where you want to go.

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15y ago
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15y ago

Web Addresses or domains are purchased on year leases from domain registrars. These names are then binded to an ip on a web server using, commonly, apache. So if you type the IP or the domain name into your browser; the site will pop up.

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12y ago

The Web Browser Checks with the DNS and Resolves the IP for the DNS name

and then the web server checks if the page is available if yes it renders the page on web browser or else the browser displays "Page Not Found Error"

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13y ago

it will take u to a document in the specific place your looking at

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13y ago

If you type a web address in a browser it will open the site the the web address belongs to. But, if it doesn't belong to any website it will open a different page.

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Where on the browser can url be found?

The URL can usually be found at the top of a browser. A URL is a web address and is usually entered in a white bar located at the top of the browser.

Is Mozilla Firefox a URL?

No. It is a web browser.

What is a URL browser?

The address of your web page.

Where is URL ussually typed in abrowser?

In the URL bar at the top of the web browser.

What is the purpose of a url box in a web browser?

To allow you to enter the URL of the website you want to go to and display the URL of the current webpage the browser is displaying.

Where is a url located?

In the Address Bar of your Web Browser.

Was is the url of a website?

The web address that appears in your browser.

Is url an example of document property?

No. URL is an example of a web browser search engine.

Is a url a webpage?

the http at the top of the web browser the longest one enter your website url in there and there you go

What is a webpage url?

the http at the top of the web browser the longest one enter your website url in there and there you go

How is the web browser used?

Web browser is used for navigating web pages. It converts the HTML of the web page to human readable text.

What do you mean by url?

URL stands for "Universal Resource Locator." It refers to the web address of a website. A URL is what is typed into the address bar of a browser to find a specific web page.