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The column disappears from view so you cannot see it. You will notice its heading is missing, so if column H was hidden you would see column G and then column I. The values in column H can still be used in the worksheet by referencing them in the normal way. Hiding columns can be useful for hiding data that you do not want to be seen or that you do not want users to change or that does not need to be seen. It can be used to put in supporting data to a worksheet rather than having it cluttering up the screen by being visible.

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Q: What happens when you hide a column in Microsoft Excel?
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In Microsoft Excel if you want to hide a column of one part of the page how do you keep the other part visible?

Select only the column you want to hide. All of the other columns will be visible. Your question is not clear, so if you mean how do you hide a part of a column and not the entire column, then just change the font color to white in the range you want to hide.

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To hide columns of a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel 2007 simply select the columns and click on the hide option.

What is short key to hide a row or column in MS Excel?

The short key to hide a row in MS Excel is Ctrl key and the number nine. The short key to hide a column is Ctrl key and the number zero. You first need to click on a cell in the column or row that you want to hide.

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Just hide the Formula Bar.

To hide a column in Excel begin by selecting the column and then what?

You can press Ctrl and the zero key. Ctrl-Shift-0 will unhide it. There is also the column options which include hiding and showing columns.

How do you conceal data in excel?

It depends on what you are trying to accomplish. You can hide a column, so it does not appear or you can format the cell contents to be white instead of black.

How do you unhide and hide rows and columns in excel 2007?

Click home tab, click hide and unhide, click unhide sheet. Click home tab, click hide and unhide click hide sheet.

Can you hide columns and rows in Excel?

Yes you can. Ctrl - 9 hides a row. Ctrl - 0 hides a column. Add the Shift key to those combinations and they can be unhidden.

How do you collapse rows in Excel?

There is no function to collapse rows in Excel, but you can hide rows you do not want to display. Highlight the rows you would like to hide and select Format | Hide and Unhide | Hide Rows.

When you decrease a column wight to the column is hidden?

You can hide a column by reducing its width.

I have created a worksheet in Excel and only want to print Columns A and G. How do I do this?

To set the area of an Excel worksheet that will be printed select the range that you want to print and go to the File... Print Area... Set Print Area menu. You can also hide columns that you don't want to see on a print-out by right clicking on the column header and selecting Hide.

Can you hide a column by setting the column width to zero?

Yes you can.