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If you just type G15 into a cell, it is not a formula but just a piece of text. If you put an equals before it, then it will display what is in the cell G15 when you type it into any other cell.


If you type it into G15 itself you will get an error known as a circular reference, because a cell cannot mention itself in a formula.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Unless you're entering it into cell G15, you'll put the value from G15 into the cell you're entering into.

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Q: What happens when you enter the formula G15 into a cell in excel?
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Where does excel display the data as you enter it?

in the cell and in the formula bar

What is a formula bar used for in Excel?

To enter the formula in selected cell, To view the farmula or content of selected cell.

Where is the formula keyed in for Excel?

Formulas go into cells. You can type them directly into a cell or on the formula bar, which will then enter it into the selected cell.

What is the area of the excel window in which you enter and edit data?

cell or formula bar!

Which symbol in Excel tells it that you are about to enter a mathematical formula?

If the first character of a cell is an equals sign (=), then the cell contains a formula.

What does REF mean in Excel?

The #REF error in Excel indicates that Excel is trying to reference a cell that does not exist. It often happens when rows or columns or removed, or cells are deleted completely, leaving the formula unable to find the cell that it is trying to reference. You will see it in place of a cell in the middle of a formula, indicating the cell it cannot find.The #REF error in Excel indicates that Excel is trying to reference a cell that does not exist. It often happens when rows or columns or removed, or cells are deleted completely, leaving the formula unable to find the cell that it is trying to reference. You will see it in place of a cell in the middle of a formula, indicating the cell it cannot find.The #REF error in Excel indicates that Excel is trying to reference a cell that does not exist. It often happens when rows or columns or removed, or cells are deleted completely, leaving the formula unable to find the cell that it is trying to reference. You will see it in place of a cell in the middle of a formula, indicating the cell it cannot find.The #REF error in Excel indicates that Excel is trying to reference a cell that does not exist. It often happens when rows or columns or removed, or cells are deleted completely, leaving the formula unable to find the cell that it is trying to reference. You will see it in place of a cell in the middle of a formula, indicating the cell it cannot find.The #REF error in Excel indicates that Excel is trying to reference a cell that does not exist. It often happens when rows or columns or removed, or cells are deleted completely, leaving the formula unable to find the cell that it is trying to reference. You will see it in place of a cell in the middle of a formula, indicating the cell it cannot find.The #REF error in Excel indicates that Excel is trying to reference a cell that does not exist. It often happens when rows or columns or removed, or cells are deleted completely, leaving the formula unable to find the cell that it is trying to reference. You will see it in place of a cell in the middle of a formula, indicating the cell it cannot find.The #REF error in Excel indicates that Excel is trying to reference a cell that does not exist. It often happens when rows or columns or removed, or cells are deleted completely, leaving the formula unable to find the cell that it is trying to reference. You will see it in place of a cell in the middle of a formula, indicating the cell it cannot find.The #REF error in Excel indicates that Excel is trying to reference a cell that does not exist. It often happens when rows or columns or removed, or cells are deleted completely, leaving the formula unable to find the cell that it is trying to reference. You will see it in place of a cell in the middle of a formula, indicating the cell it cannot find.The #REF error in Excel indicates that Excel is trying to reference a cell that does not exist. It often happens when rows or columns or removed, or cells are deleted completely, leaving the formula unable to find the cell that it is trying to reference. You will see it in place of a cell in the middle of a formula, indicating the cell it cannot find.The #REF error in Excel indicates that Excel is trying to reference a cell that does not exist. It often happens when rows or columns or removed, or cells are deleted completely, leaving the formula unable to find the cell that it is trying to reference. You will see it in place of a cell in the middle of a formula, indicating the cell it cannot find.The #REF error in Excel indicates that Excel is trying to reference a cell that does not exist. It often happens when rows or columns or removed, or cells are deleted completely, leaving the formula unable to find the cell that it is trying to reference. You will see it in place of a cell in the middle of a formula, indicating the cell it cannot find.

Where is the enter box in Excel?

The Enter box is the green tick that appears beside the formula bar when you are entering or editing a cell.

An element in the excel window that displays the value or formula contained in the active cell in which you can enter or edit values from is?

The Formula Bar.

Can Text be entered directly into a cell but cannot be entered in the formula bar in Excel?

In Microsoft Excel, text can be entered directly into a cell and in the formula bar. Whichever you enter it into, it will show in both as you enter it, so it cannot be in one and not the other. The formula bar shows the content of the active cell, so naturally as you type it will appear in both.

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You will enter the formula by chosing summation and then clicking the cells, while on cell d3, click enter.

How do you calculate the mean of data using Excel?

Pick a cell in which to enter your formula Type: =average( then highlight the cells you wish to average. Press enter.