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All Layers will be flattened in other words all layers becomes one composite layer. You wont lose any image detail but you will lose ability to work with layers independently.

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Q: What happens when you choose the command Layer Flatten image?
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How do you flatten a file in adobe Photoshop?

To Flatten your Layers in Photoshop simply go Layer>Flatten. I recommend saving your image as a psd before you flatten so that you can refer back to your layers. Then flatten and save as a jpg.

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if you mean pixelated images, then you select the layer you want to pixelate, or flatten the image if you have finished (Layer > Flatten Image) click on Filter > Pixelate > Mosaic. A window should pop up with a cell size slide, slide the bar to your desired pixelation. . x

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To deselect your current selection in Photoshop, go to "Select", then from the drop-down box choose "Deselect". A shortcut for this on a computer with Windows is to press Control+D, or Command+D on a Mac. If you want to choose a different layer, simply click on a different layer in the layers menu, or click on empty space to deselect all layers.

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Easy way is to right click on fx which is located on the right side of layer (not fx at bottom of LAYERS panel) and choose Copy Layer Style, then right click on layer where you want to paste style and choose Paste Layer Style.

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How do you switch between dialog boxes and the command line in gstarcad?

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