No,machines are not smarter than man as: 1]Machines are made by man so they cannot be smarter than man.Though some machines can learn things on their own this is because they are programmed to learn things own their own selves, but man programmed machines so man is smarter than machines. 2]Machines are very dumb things if you see them clearly. They fail to do aything without the guidance and programming of us humans. 3]A machine cannot feel,understand,express emotions.Neither can it understand a situation. Therefore,I believe that man is smarter than machines
yes,we have allowed machines to become our masters.
No, it is thought that humans are the smarter of the two.
no dogs are not smarter than humans, humans can think in a much smarter way than humans, No dogs are not smarter than humans at the moment but who knows maybe in the future they will be....
Humans indeed ARE smarter than doplhins.
I don't know if they be smarter thanks humans.
They are smarter than humans
Humans and machines excel at different types of intelligence, making direct comparisons challenging. Machines can perform complex calculations quickly and accurately, while humans demonstrate emotional intelligence and creativity. Neither humans nor machines are inherently evil; ethical considerations come from how we choose to design, program, and utilize technology.
They are smart, but humans are smarter.
Cats are smarter than humans. - INCORRECT.
No, because humans invented computers so computers cannot be smarter than humans.
humans become extinct and there would be no mankind