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The drivers to access it as a disk are loaded.

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Q: What happens when a flash memory card is installed in a slot and it is recognized by windows?
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I think it is the same as XP: # Right click "My Computer" # Select "Properties" # On the "General" tab you should be able to read (towards the bottom) the amount of RAM recognized by Windows (Note: the amount of RAM on the memory modules installed might be greated due to motherboarsd not able to address some of the memory)

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Start->right click on My computer->Properties and the window "Properties" you will see amount of memory installed on your computer.

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How much memory do I have available on my pc?

Assuming you have Windows 7, you go to the start menu at the very left corner, you go and right-click the "Computer" button on the right side, then you look under "Installed memory (RAM):" to see how much memory you have.

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Windows memory diagnostics. To run it type memory into the start menu and press enter, or click windows memory diagnostics.

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RIMM memory

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It uses a heck of a lot less memory than Windows does, the exact amount depends on what you've installed. Otherwise it depends on your hardware.

What is indicated by series of long beeps?

bad memory and defecteve memory,,, memory is not installed.