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It becomes readable. Only NTFS supports encryption.

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Q: What happens to an encrypted file that is removed from an NTFS partition?
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Related questions

How do you expand an NTFS partition?

Use a partition manager like GParted or the one on the Vista setup CD to expand the NTFS partition. You cannot expand the partition while Windows is running on it.

What is the maximum size of an NTFS partition?

As it is currently supported by the drivers in Windows, an NTFS partition can be no larger than 256 terabytes.

On a FAT32 partition can a file be convert to NTFS?

You can convert the entire filesystem to NTFS by running in a shell window ntfs C: or ntfs C:\

What is command used to change FAT32 partition into NTFS partition?

dsk cnv

What is the command used to change a FAT32 partition to an NTFS partition?


Does Windows ME support NTFS?

Not natively, although there are programs that will allow you to read an NTFS partition.

A folder must be on what file system to be encrypted using EFS?

A folder must be on NTFS to be encrypted using EFS.

Can you convert FAT32 to NTFS with Data?

yes But conversion from NTFS to FAT32 is not possible. One has to delete the partition and recreate FAT32 partition . Data will be lost in the process.

What type of partition is best for Windows 2000 and Windows XP?

Primary NTFS Partition.....

How much data can be stored in folder in ntfs partion?

The type of partition is irrelevant to how much data can be stored. A partition can hold as much data as has been designated on the hard drive during the creation of the partition. The size of your hard drive determines how large the NTFS partition can be.

The first level of a folder in a NTFS partition is?

Root Folder

Why the ntfs partition is required for the sysvol folder?

for give permission