Monster Carnival (2007) was never released as an island.
Monster Carnival was a proposed island (2007) that was never completed.
Monster Carnival Island was never opened on Poptropica.
You're not gonna find out because Monster Carnival isn't coming out.
u have to be lvl 30 to do monster carnival party quest.
Monster Carnival Island was never completed, so likely will never be released.
You go to the map and click on Monster Carnival Island just like any other island.
You go to the map and click on Monster Carnival Island just like any other island.
Love at first fright
Probably not.
Time Twisted Island is coming. But Monster Carnival Island is never going to come.
Monster Carnival was an island concept that was partly shown in 2008 but never released. Its position as the 4th island of Poptropica was taken by 24 Carrot Island.