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The AVERAGE function returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the numbers provided.


number1, number2, ... number_n are numeric values. They can be numbers, named ranges, arrays, or references to numbers. You can enter up to 30 values.

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You would use the AVERAGE function.

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Q: What function would you use to find the mean in a Microsoft Excel document?
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What does today mean in Excel?

The TODAY function returns the current date when the function is executed. That would be when you open the document or when you insert the function for the first time in a cell.

How do you use the REPT function in Microsoft Excel?

The REPT function repeats a piece of text a set amount of times. =REPT("A",4) The above function will repeat the A four times. The result would be: AAAA

What would you use the Excel Viewer for?

Microsoft Excel Viewer is a program that lets one view and print spreadsheets that were created in Microsoft Excel. The beauty of this program is that one can view the spreadsheets without having to have Microsoft Excel installed on one's computer.

How do you create a documentation sheet in a workbook in Microsoft Excel?

That depends on what you mean by a documentation sheet. Excel can be used to lay out printed documents, though it is often better to use something like Microsoft Word. Although you can do tables in Word, sometimes Excel can be used to create structured document layouts in a simpler way.

Is inventorywpd a Microsoft Access document?

No. A wpd extension is not one from Microsoft Access. It would be a word processing document.

Can Microsoft Excel table be inserted into a Microsoft Word document?

If you are just talking about importing text then yes. On Microsoft Word you just highlight you text then copy it or (ctrl c) then you go to Microsoft Excel and paste it or (ctrl v). If that doesn't answer the question be more specific because that is how I interpreted your question.

Why must print titles in Microsoft Excel be contiguous and complete rows or columns?

Because that is the way Excel is designed. I suppose the programmers could have added a section to allow user configuration, but I suspect there was not much of a demand for that function. If you feel that is an important feature you would like to see in the next version of Excel, let Microsoft know. See related link for where you can send your product suggestions to Microsoft.

When would you choose Microsoft Excel over Microsoft Word?

When creating spreadsheets or statistical papers.

Is Microsoft Excel system software?

No. It would be applications software.