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Q: What four task do computers complet?
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Le compte complet was created on 2004-11-02.

How was the task the computer performs done before computers?

abacus is one of the device that played role of computers in ancient times.

What is the Classification of computer base on purpose?

Base on purposed, computers are either general purpose or special purpose. General purpose computers are meant for all manner of tasks while Special purpose computers are tailored for unique task.

What are the human task that a computer cannot do?

We live, have feelings, and free will unlike computers.

In the area of computers what does the term EasyPeasy refer to?

In the area of computing, the term easy peasy refers to how easy performing a specific task is. This term isn't specific to computers, people may say it when faced with an easy task.

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What tells a computer how to perform a specific task?

Commands tell computers what tasks they should perform. Software installed on computers provide the commands users need to complete tasks on computers.

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