If you want your page to be readable, choose white font. Anything else and the colours will make it difficult to read.
A brown background is not very good for legibility. People often use colours in the background because they think it looks good without realising it often makes the information unreadable.
well since your hair color is brown,get blond or light brown highlights
A bright, bold turquoise for a splash of color to the neutral brown.
brown with a white flower or brown with the color of your shoes!
It depends on the color scheme you choose for the website, but an off white is a very good safe choice for the background color for any website.
brown, hazel, blue or green. if i were you id pick brown. :)
Light brown
a dark color like brown or black
Brown and maybe dirty blonde
best guess is that he has a brown color
probably blondish
It's probably brown eyes, in my opinion