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NTFS provides a 64-bit disk addressing scheme

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Q: What file system has a theoretical partition size limit of 16 exabytes?
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How large can a partition be?

The size limit of a partition will depend on the firmware of the computer in question, the size of the hard drive, and what file system is being used. For example, many older BIOSes cannot see past the 127 GB barrier, the largest single hard drive currently available is about 2 TB, and the maximum size of an NTFS partition is 256 TB.

What is the maximum size a hard drive formatted with FAT16?

There is no limit on the size of a hard driveformatted with FAT16. The only limit is the size of a FAT16 partition on the drive. The maximum size of a FAT16 partition is 4 GB.

What is the maximum amount of swap Linux can use?

There's no precise limit; it depends on the architecture of the machine. On 32-bit Intel machines, the limit is 2 GB per partition, though there is no limit on the number of swap partitions.

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No. Your rating stops at 9999, but your knowledge can go on forever.

What is the maximum size for a USB Flash drive in Windows 98?

The only real limit that would apply is the FAT32 partition size limit, which is about 2 TB. No Flash drive comes close to this size.

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Correct. Absolute zero temperature (0 Kelvin or -273.15 degrees Celsius) is the theoretical limit where a system has minimal thermal energy, and no physical system can reach this temperature as it violates the third law of thermodynamics.