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Q: What file extension can you use for a webpage that you create using Notepad?
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How do you use notepad to make a webpage?

Using HTML Codes

What extension will appear if you don't save your html webpage with the proper extension?

There is no single answer to that. It will depend on what you were creating the web page with. For example, if you were using Notepad, it would have a .txt extension or if you were using Microsoft Word it could have a .doc or .docx extension. So it is down to the software you are using and its version that would determine what extension you could have. You can just open and save the file again to fix the problem.

How do you save HTML text pages?

with a .html extension.....If your have made a page using just notepad ect just save as normal but make sure it has the .html or .htm extensionfor examplemywebpage.htmlormywebpage.htmif using proper webpage building software it will do it for you

How do you create a program using string?

You can use any text-editor, notepad is an example.

What is the connection of a notepad with HTML tags?

You can use Notepad to write HTML pages, and HTML consists of tags. So you would be writing a lot of tags when using Notepad to create a HTML page.

How do you change a notepad file to a regular zip file?

To add a notepad (.txt) file to a .zip archive format, you need a certain program. I recommend using WinRAR 3.71 ( Once installed, create the notepad file, and then right click on it and select "Add to Archive." You should then be able to create a .zip format archive with a notepad file inside.

How do you open a webpage?

You use a browser to view a webpage. You can type the address in to go to it, or click a link. If the page is one on your own computer, you can double click on it to open it. You can also open the source code using an editor like Notepad or an application like Dreamweaver.

Why create webpage using MSWord not Frontpage Why MSWord also provides webpage creation features?

What you do is you you do you do a poopy and then smeer the poopy all over the screen, then you like it of arfter you do all that then their will be a webpage on the screen.

Why is it important to use an HTML or htm extension when saving HTML documents in Notepad?

When you next try to open them, they will open in a browser by default so that you can see what the page looks like. You can still open them using Notepad to make any changes you want.

How will you create a duplicate copy of a file using notepad?

Open up the file and save it as (filename) and save it again as (filename2)

How do you align text using notepad?

we can align text using notepad by by going to the font option

How do you create your own website with domain name for free?

firsly create a webpage using HTML , javascript & xml languages.then using the IIS server, you can create your own website. A system administrator does this task.