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Q: What experience do you have working with computers?
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What is your relevant experience?

When you are asked this question in an interview, you should itemize all the experience you have and relate it to the current position you are applying for in the organization. You also want to make sure that you include the number of employees you managed.

What is the motto of Acorn Computers?

The motto of Acorn Computers is 'The choice of experience'.

What is paperless working?

paperless working is where you work all on computers

What is your experience with automated systems and with computers in general?

Most people have a lot of experience with automated systems and computers just from living. Check-out lines in the grocery store are automated and most people have multiple computers in their homes, which helps them increase their experience.

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why do people stress over woring on the computers

What phodia is a fear of working on computers?


What phobia is a of computers or working on a computer?


There are twelve computers in the school and 54 students working on a project what is the ratio of computers to students working on project?

divide the amount of students by available machines = 4.5

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what experience have you had working in team?

What phobias a fear of computers or working on a computer?


What happen to Bill Gates?

he is still working in the computers