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NIC (Network Interface Card)

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Q: What expansion cards that plugs into a computer's motherboard and provides a port on the back of the card to connect a computer to a network?
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What provides support to usb and firewire on computers?

The Motherboard

What is motherboard in CPU?

A motherboard is the main printed circuit board found in computers. It holds many of the electronic components of the system such as the central processing unit, memory, and provides connectors for other devices.

What is the main circuit board of the computer that houses all essential chips and provides connecting circuitry between chips?

For computers its mother board or more politically correct system board. For electronics in general its the integrated circuit(IC).

What is the purpose of an expansion port?

An expansion card can be inserted into an expansion bay on various parts of a computer to add functionality to the system. The primary purpose is to provide or expand features not offered by the motherboard.

What is a circuit board that provides more ports than those provided by the motherboard?

Expansion card

What is the main circuit board of a computer. It houses the microprocessor and provides the means of connecting all the components that make up the computer?

The motherboard.

What determines the type of case a motherboard needs and provide a maximum expansion slot limit?

The layout, or form factor, determines what sort of case the motherboard needs and provides a maximum expansion slot limit

What is the motherboard on the computer?

A motherboard is the main board of the computer. It contains all necessary parts such as cpu (Central Processing Unit) your drives such as your hdd (Hard Disk Drive) or cd/dvd burners etc. The motherboard is the biggest necessary part required for the computers. Also known as the mb, mainboard, or system board, The Motherboard is a printed circuit that is the foundation of a computer and allows the cpu, ram, and all other computer hardware components to function with each other.

The software that tells your computer how to be a computer is?

The Operating System provides a shell for the Computer. The software to run the computer, which relies on the operating system, is called the Kernel which is on the Motherboard. Refer to Google for inquiries about the Kernel, the Motherboard, and other various features of a computer.

What does motherboard has?

A motherboard serves as the main circuit board in a computer, connecting all the components together, such as the CPU, RAM, storage devices, and expansion cards. It provides electrical connections for power, data transfer, and communication between components. Additionally, modern motherboards often include features like onboard audio, networking, and USB ports.

How does server work?

A server is a computer that provides services to multiple other computers. For instance, it provides the software for multiple remote computers to use. It also is a repository for shared files.

Fixing computer motherboard?

Unless it's a simple and obvious problem, it's probably not worth the time and effort. One little cracked trace on the motherboard can be nearly impossible to find and repair. And unfortunately, it will be almost impossible to detect a faulty gate on one of the chips. If the motherboard has a problem, get another... seriously.A computer motherboard is one of the most important components to a computer. It provides a way for hardware to communicate with each other by connecting them to the sockets that are found on the motherboard.