A bike computer is usually a GPS system. This is a satelite navigations system which will allow you to know where you are. It is possible to download maps in to them and this will allow you to know where you are going. here are also more advanced computers for sporting cyclists which may include an odometer, timer and are able to do speed and distance calculations.
IMO there isn't that much practical difference between similarly priced bike computers. Find one with the features you want and a user interface you like and you're good to go.
A bike in Denmark costs exactly 1000 DKR - no more - no less.
Back "when" exactly?
computers bike health peer pressure
Good for price get it
Yes of course this bike will proof that this is a good starter bike.
a bmx bike
are there any good bike parks in the uk?
I'm not exactly sure how big a super pocket bike is, but if the bike is too small for you to ride safely, get a bigger bike.
To connect bike computers to your iPhone for tracking and analyzing cycling data, you can use Bluetooth or ANT technology. Make sure your bike computer and iPhone are compatible with these technologies. Install the corresponding app on your iPhone and pair it with your bike computer. This will allow you to sync and analyze your cycling data on your phone.
Yes it is a good bike I realy recommend you getting it
yes it is a very good bike