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You can use your day to day email address. I used my hotmail account. :)

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Q: What email address do you use for your ps3?
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When you buy a demo for ps3 from the playstation store does it go to your email address?

Demos are not sold so you do not buy them or get an email

When you play online on the ps3 Is your address given away?

no not even your Email address goes past Sony Network

What is an email address you can use on imvu?

if u don't want to use your real email address on a website try name@website .com

Does have an email address?

You can use Goolge for picknik's email address,..

What do you use your email address for?

You can use your day to day email address. I used my hotmail account. :)

Can you use the same email for playstation network?

The same email address that you use for all your emails can be used or you can get an email address and use it just for the PSN

How do you re-enter my email address?

use yourre-enter my email address?

Can you compose an Email without having an Email address?

The only way is to use someone else's email address

What is a good idea for an email address for facebook?

Your own personal email address that you use everyday.

How do you get a good email for moshi monstaers?

use your email address

What is topher grace's email address?

he doesnt use email... sry

Can you use your bkru email address in the united state?

It should be usable in any country, I use a email address in the UK