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VLOOKUP is used to search vertically down a specified column within a given range to find a specified value (either as an exact match or not) and then bring back a value in either that cell or (more typically) a cell to the right of it.

See the Excel help article on VLOOKUP for further information.

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Q: What does the vlookup searches in a table until the matching value is found?
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What function can be used to find the answer located in a vertical table?

A lookup function like VLOOKUP or INDEX/MATCH can be used to find the answer located in a vertical table. VLOOKUP searches for a value in the first column of a table and returns a value in the same row from a specified column, while INDEX/MATCH combination can retrieve a value at the intersection of a certain row and column based on matching criteria.

What is vlook up table in excel and how it is used?

The VLOOKUP function works on the same principle as HLOOKUP, but instead of searching horizontally, VLOOKUP searches vertically. VLOOKUP searches for a specified value vertically down the first column of an array. When the value is found, VLOOKUP searches across to a specified column and enters the value of the cell. The syntax for the VLOOKUP function follows the same pattern as HLOOKUP, except that instead of specifying a row index number, you would specify a column index number to instruct VLOOKUP to move across to a specific column in the array where the required value is to be found. =VLOOKUP( lookup_value , table_array , col_index_number ) In the case of VLOOKUP, data in the first column of the array should be in ascending order, as VLOOKUP searches down this column for the lookup_value.

How does VLOOKUP indicate which fields must be filled in?

VLOOKUP specifies the value it is using to search, the table it is searching and the column within that table to return a value from. Take the following example: =VLOOKUP(A11,C2:H19,3) A11 is the cell that contains the value you are searching for. The table it searches in is from C2 to H19. The value will be looked for in the first column of that table, and the 3 indicates that a value from the 3rd column of the table should be returned.

Why is VLOOKUP function used moere often than other lookup functions?

Vlookup is used when you are using a table and want to go to a certain column in that table, as your data is arranged vertically. Hlookup works on horizontally arranged data when you are looking for something on a certain row.

What is the vlookup function?

looks up a value and returns a related result from the lookup table.

How can you put vlookup formula from three different excel sheet?

When writing the function, in the table array choose the table from the relevant sheet.

Is the uplookvert function used when the table direction is vertical or up?

Excel does not have an UPLOKVERT function. You might be thinking of VLOOKUP. You use VLOOKUP when your comparison values are located in a column to the left of the data that you want to find.

Clem has entered the following formula into his spreadsheet VLOOKUP(A5A7G203TRUE). What advanced feature is he using?

lookup table

What is v - look up?

VLOOKUP is a function of Microsoft Excel. You can use VLOOKUP to find a value in a table or list on an Excel sheet. It looks at a value in a column and finds the corresponding value in another column in the same row.

What is the definition of vlookup?

It is a function that means vertical lookup. You use it to search for a value in the first column of a table array and returns a value in the same row from another column in the table array.

How do you create a vlookup function for a product type?

You first need to set up a table. You could have a column with product codes and a column with the product description. To keep it simple, say you had a product table with 10 products. In the cells from B2 to B11, you could have the codes. In the cells C2 to C11 you could have the name of the product. The codes should be in alphabetical or numerical order. VLOOKUP will search down that column and when it finds a code it will jump to the second column to the cell beside the code and display the product code. You could then type a code into a blank cell and get the VLOOKUP to display the product description. Say you type your code into cell B15. The VLOOKUP function would be in another cell, say C15, and it would be like this: =VLOOKUP(B15,B2:C11,2) You can make a larger table with more products and even add other columns, such as price in a third column, say column D. To get the price, the table would now go to column D and the 2 at the end of the example above would be a 3, to indicate the third column like this: =VLOOKUP(B15,B2:D11,3)

What is the most efficient Excel function to use in assigning grades to students based on their final percentage?

The VLOOKUP function would be the best one to use. You need to set up a table with the name of the grade and the range of marks for that grade. You then compare each score against the range in the table and it will read off the apporpriate grade. Do some research on the VLOOKUP function and that will help.