If you mean the key between the zero and the equal, it is hyphen "-" or with the shift key, underline "_".
Hyphen is used in some compound words such as "old-fashioned."
Two hyphens together mean the same as a dash (and some computer programs convert them to a dash). This would be used between phrases, similarly to a semicolon, such as: "Buy now--the sale will end soon!"
The underline can be used to show a blank, such as when the word will be filled in later, such as: "We lived on Green Street from ___________ till November of 2001." On old-fashioned typewriters, to underline a word for emphasis you would type the word, backspace, and add the underline. Now with computers we use control-U to emphasize, like this.
10-Key or number pad
T is the answer.
You press the ENTER key on the key board
there is a botton on the key board and it looks like a line and a arrow on top of the line.
all you have to do is press this - on your key board as long as you want until you have the line you want
In most cases it has something to do with central locking or a key code on the ignition.
First you have to repair the file the horse is in For Xp Go to start go to run type in cmd (small letters) (enter) on key board You see a small flasing line type behind the small line. chkdsk /F tap enter on key board It ask you say yes after shut down restart It wii do the repair Notice open spage between k /F forward slasc disable sisteem restore and anti virus after scanning put it back and run disfrack
If it does not have a key on it then it is just a small gift
when you draw a graph a key helps identify what each line or collum stands for. colorcoding each line would halp in making a key.
Look for the key to the symbols on your graph, which will explain the straight line.
1 key is only on a standard key board and that one key is the space bar
It is in the same place as on the regular key board, to the right of the "/" key and under the Enter key.