you can use this to mix two colors together like actual paint brushes would. its good for blending hair and soft edges.
Right click on the BRUSH TOOL (7th icon down on the left side menu normally) here you will find a standard brush, colour replacement, pen tool and mixer brush
Mini Bridge, Puppet Warp, Bristle Brush, Mixer Brush, Content Aware Fill and many more. For complete of changes and enhancements see related link.
Yes you can
history brush tool.
click on brush on left side
If you have adobe photoshop 6 DO NOT upgrade to 7. There is only the new smart brush tool. With some extra work you can get 6 to do the things that the smart brush does!
Brush is on left side of window at so called tools palete, it is 8. tool from top to bottom. With this tool you can paint in Photoshop. See related link.
Photoshop does not have library as InDesign for example, answer can be nothing, library is nothing in Photoshop. Other programs have libraries where you can put shapes for example to re use them. In Photoshop you can say brush library or swatches, colors library.
AnswerShort keys to adjust the brush --->>To decrease the brush size : Bracket Start [To Increase the brush size : Bracket Close ]Hope this help....Cheers
Yes and no. You can not import a Photoshop brush directly into Paint Shop Pro, but there is a way around it, though it evolves a lot of work.Download ABR VIEWER ( and install it.Open a .abr brush into it (that's a Photoshop Brush) and Export as thumbnails. Open those thumbnails (now .png images) into Paint Shop Pro and, on each one, go to File > Export > Custom Brush. Save each one as a differant name.And there you go! You have Photoshop brushes that work in Paint Shop Pro!
The different parts of Adobe Photoshop CS3 include the magic wand, the toolbox, and the spot healing brush. Photoshop CS3 is used for editing photos and creating design elements.
Any..since all of them has the brush can use it to draw..