The Hard Disk and the Processor are actually different things.
If you were a computer, your brain would be the processor.
If you had a box of stuff in front of you, that would be your hard disk drive, where you store your stuff. A hard disk drive is a type of storage device. It is a high-capacity, fast storage medium compared to other mediums such as CD-Roms and Floppy Disks.
(Memory would be like having hands to pick up stuff from the box. If you have more memory, you would be able to hold more stuff before having to stash it back in the box to get a different item.)
when we say processor, it is the brain of computer, the word process it is also manipulate the data.....processing the data from hard disk or hard drive.
The processor has absolutely nothing to do with the specifications of the hard drive used.
1Tb hard disk supports but its not guaranteed to work perfectly it may cause problems to mother board the preferred one is 500 GB hard disk. I have checked 1 TB hard disk With D945GCL MotherBoard, but its not working ie. MotherBoard is not Supporting.
windwos 95
bus or buss.
On compatible computers a program cannot run directly from the hard disk drive without loading it into the memory because the processor can access and address only the main memory.
It sounds like you have problems not with hard drive but with processor temperature, check thermo paste between the processor and cooler/radiator. Answer: Repaire window with disk.
bus or buss.
256 TB though strictly the limit is imposed by using 32 bits to address the clusters not the actual 32-bit processor
A micro processor is commonly thought to be the central processing unit of a computer system. This CPU may contain peripheral devices on the same chip, and connects to peripheral devices located on different chips. Thus, a micro processor is not commonly thought to be a peripheral. However, a micro processor is often used to create a peripheral device. For example, a hard disk drive is a peripheral device to your PC's CPU. However, the electronics within that hard disk drive itself may contain another micro processor. This micro processor acts as the CPU within the realm of the hard disk drive, but towards the total PC system, it implements a peripheral device of the central processing unit.
A computer hard disk or hard drive (fixed disk) is hardware.