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Q: What does media disconnected on command prompt mean?
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What do CMD title mean?

if you mean what does cmd stand for then its: Command Prompt

What is safe mode command prompt?

If i am getting your question, in a PC safe mode is when you boot your PC with some drivers and other programs disabled. So with command prompt it must mean that you use a command prompt instead of a graphical user interface

What command prompt would help you narrow a failing connection?

If you mean a Command Prompt Command then there are a few you can use. The most commonly used would be ping and tracert. But there are others including netstat which shows the port status.

What does this mean -Ethernet adapter local area connection 3- media State Media disconnected?

The meaning of the error "Ethernet adapter local area connection 3- media state media disconnected" is that the cable is bad or not plugged in all the way to the media device. It is best to check the cable and make sure that it is plugged in.

In the unix system what does set the prompt text mean?

It generally refers to setting the text that will appear when the shell prompt is asking the user to type in a command, meaning, the shell needs work to do. The standard prompt in most shell environments is a single character, such as '#', '$', or '%'. By setting the prompt you can customize what appears when the system is idle and wants you to type in a command to do something.

What does volume label mean in command prompt?

I believe it simply tells you what drive you are in. Such as C drive or D Drive.

What command used to down the ip address in the command prompt?

assuming that by down you mean get... ipconfig if you want all ip settings then ipconfig /all command ipconfig If you mean to disable or turn off the ip to disconnect from the internet then ipconfig /release

What are some command prompt codes?

If you mean commands there are several. To list a few, there is the command "tree" This command shows all files and directories within the directory of choice. Another would be "mkdir". This creates a folder with the name of your choice into the directory you are curruently on right now. The most used command would be "cd" which changes directory you are curruently accessing. Many other commands can be found by typing in the command "/?" or "/help" I hope this helped. *^^* BTW, for certain prompts it will say the operation requires elevation. This means you need to run the command prompt as an administrator.

What does DOS prompt mean?

What does the term mean prompt in dos

What is the run command that you must type in to install Active Directory using backup media?

Using backup media...?? Do you mean you want to *RE*-install from a backup media? Either way its more than likely to be 'dcpromo.exe' 2) You should type following command wbadmin start systemstatebackup -backuptarget:C:

What does being prompt mean?

Prompt in this context means on time.