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It means carbon copy !!It is used to send another message...

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Q: What does meaning add Cc recipients in mailbox?
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What does cc stand for and when you use it?

Carbon Copy - used to add more recipients to an email and a list of all the recipients is mailed with the message to each recipient.

What do cc and bcc mean?

Cc stands for carbon copy which means that whose address appears after the Cc: header would receive a copy of the message. Also, the Cc header would also appear inside the header of the received message.Bcc stands for blind carbon copy which is similar to that of Cc except that the Email address of the recipients specified in this field do not appear in the received message header and the recipients in the To or Cc fields will not know that a copy sent to these address.

What is the use of CC?

cc is short for carbon copy. It allows you to send emails to multiple recipients. also cubic centimeters

Bcc in a mail is?

A BCC (blind carbon copy) is a copy of an email message sent to a recipient whose email address does not appear in the message. This is in contrast to To and CC recipients, whose addresses do appear in the respective header lines. Every recipient of the message can see all the To and CC recipients, but does not know about BCC recipients.

Do you need to sign a cc letter?

It is important to sign a cc letter. That is because the recipients still need to know whether the source of the letter is authentic.

What does Bc stand for in an email?

I believe you mean BCC, it stands for Blind Carbon Copy. When the recipients are in the BCC field, they can't see the other recipients.Addendum:The above is pretty close to being correct. CC (and the CC of BCC) actually stands for the plural "copies," just as the doubled letter "pp" in a source reference stands for "pages." Also, it is the BCC recipients whose names are not seen by anyone else; the CC recipients can be seen.

What are CC and BCCused for in a reply on the internet?

If you are replying to a group of people you would add their addresses to the CC (Carbon Copy) field. Using CC means that everyone in the group can see all the other email addresses. Using BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) lets you send the email to a group of people but no one will see any of the other recipients addresses.

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What does the 'cc' mean when you are sending an email?

In email, the abbreviation CC indicates secondary recipients of a message: those who are to receive a copy of a message directed to another. The list of CCed recipients is visible to all other recipients of the message. An additional BCC(blind carbon copy) field is available for hidden notification; recipients listed in the BCC field receive a copy of the message but are not shown on any other recipient's copy (including other BCC recipients).In common usage, To field recipients are the primary audience of the message, CC field recipients are others whom the author wishes to publicly inform of the message, and BCCfield recipients are those surreptitiously being informed of the communication.

What are you supposed to put in the cc in an email?

The cc box stands for "carbon copy" whatever names/e-mail addresses you put in there will be sent to that persons What do you put in the cc box on email address but they will not know who else got that message. Read more: What do you put in the cc box on email

What is the cc of a villiers c12 engine?

120 cc to find the cc of a villiers you simply see the model ie c12 add a 0 o that then you have 120 cc if it was a mk15 add a 0 then its 150 cc Regards, Dan

What is the meaning of CC in motorcycle?

CC stand's for "Cubic Centimeters". There are 16.387 CC's in a CI (cubic inch)