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The ribbon cable is either plugged in upside-down or is damaged.

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Q: What does it mean when floppy drive LED stays on after post?
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What is the POST error code series for the floppy drive system?

The error codes for floppy drives are 60x with 601 being the A: drive and 602 being the B: drive. Those errors most often come up when the data cable is disconnected or not fully seated to the back of the floppy drive. If the cable is installed upside down (which can happen), then the drive will spin and spin while the computer generates that 601 or 602 error code. Just disconnect the cable, turn it the other way, and the drive should then work normally.

How can you change a floppy drive in a Toshiba laptop?

Yes, you can change the floppy drive but you'll have to take apart the whole laptop. If you have no experience taking fixing laptop, I wouldn't recommend trying it. But if you still want to try it, I'll post a link with Toshiba laptop disassembly guides so you can try.

When you post something on facebook how long does it stay?

It stays until you remove the post.

When was the floppy disk intoduced?

The original floppy was an 8 inch, single sided disk first developed in the late 1960's as a result of research efforts by IBM. The first floppy disk drive systems became commercially available in 1971. They cost more than a new PC costs today.The floppy disk was introduced in the 1970's, and it revolutionized data storage in the PC. It ran strongly for some time, but faded in the 1990's. It is rare to see a working machine being used in this day and age with a floppy drive in it. Wikipedia has more information, and you'll find a link to their post just down the page below this answer.1971According to wikipedia; IBM introduced 8-inch floppy disk (read-only) in 1971...

What is Computer power on self test?

Power On Self Test (or POST) is startup software on the motherboard BIOS. It performs a basic test of the individual hardware components such as the motherboard, RAM memory chips, keyboard, floppy drive and hard drive to ensure that everything is working properly. When a computer is turned on with the power switch (or cold boot), BIOS executes POST.

What travells around the world but stays in the corner?

A post stamp.

Will a letter be mailed with no zip?

no its returned to your address or just stays at the post office

Where is the only post office you can drive your car through?

Chicago is the location of only post office in the world through which you can drive your car.

What goes round the world but stays in the corner?

A stamp on a post card.

What does post in post date mean?

It means "after".

What travels around the world but is always in its corner?

a post stamp :) it goes around with the mail but stays in the corner of the envelope.

What does prefix post mean?

the prefix post means after