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It's a stupid priority of skype on Windows. It's not fair!

I hate skype after recognizing this stupid function.

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Q: What does it mean to unpin Skype from taskbar?
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How do you unpin Skype from your traskbar?

right click on it (or click and drag up) then click Unpin from taskbar

Can't open Skype you are already signed in on this computer?

i have windows 7 and this problem was super annoying. I opened task manager and saw i had two skype processes running and a skypepm. exe process running. i ended all three processes and reopened skype from bottom taskbar and signed in. it worked for me. hope this helps.

How can you keep the taskbar where you can see it?

Right click on taskbar, the click on "Lock the taskbar".

What does sukaipude hanasimasenka mean?

This translates as "Can you not talk via Skype?" ("Are you able to use Skype?")

Is the zune HD compatible with Skype?

The Zune HD does not have a Skype app, if that's what you mean.

The taskbar is normally located at the bottom of the Windows desktop displaying information about open programs and providing quick access to others?


How do enable the lock the taskbar?

on the taskbar right click on it and select lock the taskbar and when you do it again it should be checkmarked

How can you hide the taskbar in XP permenently without the anoying blue line when you do the unlock taskbar this or autohiding it?

If you use the unlock option you will still have a narrow blue line at the bottom. But the taskbar basically would be hidden. If you use the autohide option the taskbar will hide completely automatically. But when you move the cursor at the place where the taskbar suppose to be the taskbar will pop up.

What is the taskbar used for on a computer?

A taskbar is used for reseting the whole computer

What does sukaipude mean in Japanese?

It sounds like the person was saying "through Skype." Skype is an online telephone/calling program.

How do you get the taskbar behind windows on Vista?

You right-click on your taskbar and then click on properties. Then you un-select 'Keep the taskbar on top of other windows'.

How do you move your taskbar around?

To move your taskbar around, right-click on it and make sure the "Lock the taskbar" option is unchecked. Then, click and drag the taskbar to your desired location on the screen. Finally, don't forget to re-lock the taskbar once you've positioned it where you want.