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It normally means that you put a message into an alternate folder, rather than deleting it. Say if you got an email receipt, just in case you'd need to archive it. It's not deleted, but also not cluttering your inbox.

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11y ago

Just like Trash when you delete a message it goes to Archive folder. So its similar to trash.

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Clicking Gmail's "Archive" button means that -- if no Label was applied -- the selected email is no longer visible from the Inbox and is only viewable in the "All Mail" view. If you first apply a Label to a message and then click the "Archive" button, the message will be visible in the applied Label view as well as the "All Mail" view. This is a way to keep your Inbox uncluttered without actually deleting the emails.

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What do u mean from lost a archive?but if u mean that outfit,no you should pay for it.

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