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The default margins are the margins preset by the software manufacturer. That may be one inch (1") or one and a quarter inches (1.25"). Most software has options for resetting the default margins if you prefer a different measurement. You should be able to find that information by asking for reset margins.

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Q: What does it mean by default margins?
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What are the widths of the default margins?

1 inch

What is the meaning of default side margins?

Default side margins refer to the amount of space that is automatically set on the left and right sides of a document or webpage. These margins help to provide proper spacing and improve readability by preventing text or content from being too close to the edge. Users can adjust these margins based on their preferences or specific formatting requirements.

How are different margins numerically related to each other and to the page size?

Each Word document has same margins. The default margins are 1 inch at the top and bottom of the page and 1,25 inch from the left and right hand sides of the page. However, if desired, default page margins can be changed numerically.

What are some of the consequences if you fail to set document margins?

Then your document ends up with whatever default margins the word processor uses. This is usually quite acceptable; personally, I rarely change those margins.

What is the default margin size of a word document?

1" is the default margin size.

What is the pre- built setting that places all four margins at 1.0 inches for Microsoft Word?

Pre-built settings are normally known as defaults. In this case they would therefore be the default margins.

A document has been entered into word using the default margins what can you say about tth enumber of hard and soft returns in the margins inrease by 0.5 on each side?

the number and position of both hard and soft returns decreases.

What is the default typing mode in word?

In Microsoft Word, the default typing mode uses 12-point type and the Times New Roman font. It is single-spaced with standard margins.

What is the default word in word?

The default style is all of the settings that Microsoft Word has in place when you first open a document. This includes standard margins, an easy to read font, and line spacing. You can change these default settings to your preferences, or use the options that Word has built in.

What is the default style in word?

The default style is all of the settings that Microsoft Word has in place when you first open a document. This includes standard margins, an easy to read font, and line spacing. You can change these default settings to your preferences, or use the options that Word has built in.

What does setting your margins mean?

setting margins means to select the about of space around the documents. Top, bottom, left and right