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Q: What does it cost daily to leave a CPU running 24 hrs a day?
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Related questions

What does CPU do when there is no program running?

The CPU will always do processing. Even though there are no application programs running, the operating system is still running and the CPU will still have to process many system processes during the operation of the computer.

Why is my Samsung Galaxy S4 overheating?

It could be that you are running something that causes the CPU to be running at 100% all the time, or you have concurrent apps/processes that are keeping the CPU awake (same effect as the CPU running 100% all the time).

Why PC monitor has no signal input but CPU is running?

If the CPU is running, but the monitor has no signal, there could be an issue with the cable that connects the CPU to the monitor. There could also be a problem with the VGA card, or the RAM.

What is the average cost of a CPU fan?

The average cost of a CPU fan will vary depending on which country one is buying from. In the United States the cost of a CPU is usually between $8 and $30.

What are the limitations of CPU?

Time of CPU usage per minute, Number of processes running at once

After the system is up and running you can check the CPU and motherboard temperatures by entering setup?

After the system is up and running you can check the CPU and motherboard temperatures by entering setup?

What is 'OS' are our cpu's running off of?

Operating System

How long is the lifetime of CPU 3.0GHz?

It depends on the exact CPU, if you are running it according to rated speed, and if you adequately cooling it.

How much does a CPU cost?

500000000000000000000000000000000000 bucks

What CPU chip is your PC running?

My PC is running the 3.0 Ghz Core 2 Duo from Intel. - PageFault

What is a preemptive and non preemptive algorithm and explain with example?

Preemptive scheduler reruns scheduling decision when process becomes ready. If the new process has priority over running process, the CPU preempts the running process and executes the new process. Non-preemptive scheduler only does scheduling decision when running process voluntarily gives up CPU. In effect, it allows every running process to finish its CPU burst.

Do Intel CPU processors have a better cost to performance ratio?

Intel CPU processors have a very stable price, they don't differ a lot from the CPU processors of AMD but AMD has more discount offers on it's CPU processors which in some occassions give them a better cost to performance ratio. In other words, buying an AMD processor with a good discount might just beat the Intel CPU processor cost to performance ratio.