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Any website or email ending in gov means it is a government entity. The website URL has the country's abbreviation in it.

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Q: What does gov mean in an email?
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Did you mean gow or gov for Whitehouse email address?

GOV is used for all government websites.

What is gov used for?

do you mean .gov? gov stands for government..

What does gov mean at the end of the website?

Gov is short for government

What does gov mean at the end of a website'?

Gov is short for government

What does gov on the computer mean?

A .gov URL means a government agency's website.

What dose gov mean?


What doe gov mean?


Where did the roman gov originate?

Please use full wards. We should not have to guess what you mean by gov. If you mean government, it obviously started in Rome.

What is Secretary Hillary Clintons email or fax address?

The State Gov. Website is in the Netherlands!

What does NYSED Gov stand for?

NYSED stands for New York State Education Department. The addition of Gov afterwards usually mean that they are referring to the website for NYSED that ends in .gov.

What does extension .gov mean?

It means it is a government website.

What does the .gov extension mean?

It means it is a government website.