You mean gamut? Gamut of colors represents all available colors in particular color space (like RGB, CMYK). When you see warning out of gamut that's mean that color can not be reproduced in color space in other words that color space can not handle that color or shade of color.
Gamut represents all possible colors in that particular color space.
I believe you are trying to say GAMUT, which means entire scope.
The Gamut was created in 1998.
A Gamut of Games was created in 1969.
David Gamut told Hawkeye and the men that the sisters were no longer together.
"Their faces expressed a gamut of emotions".
The toddler said the whole gamut of the alphabet from A to Z.
Delilah was in the grips of uncontrollable emotion; in a few minutes her emotions ran the gamut from heartbroken sobbing to gasping laughter. "Gamut" comes from medieval musical theory and means all of the possible notes playable on an instrument, or singable by a voice, from the lowest to the highest.