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i would advice not to proceed with this setting, as this setting formatts your card, meaning delets everything on it, and starts it over from new, if your to do so make sure you back up whats on the memory card so you do not lose evrything.

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Q: What does formatting a memory card on your phone mean?
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What does memory cards mean?

Formatting - removes all exiting data from the memory card. Think of it like using an eraser to remove all the text written in pencil, on a piece of paper.

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the phrase mp3 mobile phones means that a phone is capable of playing mp3 music files. This may require you to purchase a seperate memory card for your phone as your phone may not have enough memory to store the files.

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You need to be more specific, if you mean a phone, camera or games console style sandisk like memory card, then you need to find the files in My computer, or the mac equivilant

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Formatting - removes all exiting data from the memory card. Think of it like using an eraser to remove all the text written in pencil, on a piece of paper.

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Card reader itself does not contain any memory, so the answer is NO. If you mean the card reader with memory card inside, then the answer is YES.

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