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It is where you click the row and you fill in any amount for eg: £250

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Q: What does fill handle mean in ict?
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Name of the square in the lower-right corner of a selection that is used to copy cells in Excel?

The Fill Handle.The Fill Handle.The Fill Handle.The Fill Handle.The Fill Handle.The Fill Handle.The Fill Handle.The Fill Handle.The Fill Handle.The Fill Handle.The Fill Handle.

What is the small black square located in the lower-right corner of the heavy border around the active cell?

It is the fill handle, enabling you to drag down a cell with a formula or for extending pre-defined lists. For example: if you type Sunday into a cell and press return, and then use the fill handle to fill down, it will automatically put in the other days of the week. You can do the same for Months.

What does the fill handle look like?

The fill handle in excel looks like a thin black cross

What does reliable mean in ict?

Something is reliable in ICT when it doesnt show up on time.

How do you delete fill handle in Excel?

The fill handle can be turned off in the Excel options, though it is more useful to have it on.

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monitering and control is an ICT term monitering and control is an ICT term

What does the medical abbreviation ict mean?

ICT is an acronym for the medical term "Intensive Care Treatment"