To put any content in the middle of a cell by changing its alignment.
There are many places known as "The Excel Centre". You will need to specify which one you mean in order for your question to be answered.
There is no PowerPoint control center in Excel. MS PowerPoint is a presentation application. MS Excel is a spreadsheet.
You can align an Excel cell to left, right, and center.
You need to download Excel or Word Add-ins from the Add-Ins page in Quality Center...then you will get an option in Excel-->Tools-->Export to Quality Center
there the different pages you have in excel
the excel sheet that one needs to upload, to its toolbar there is an option TOOLS. Follow the steps: TOOLS > EXPORT TO QUALITY CENTER click on the option Export To Quality Center. It will take a few minutes to upload the sheet into Quality Center.
As of August 2014, Taylor Swift is not scheduled to appear at the Excel Energy Center. She has appeared at the venue during previous concert tours throughout her career.
Not sure why you would want to do that, but Excel supports it if that is what you decide to do.
There are seven cell alignments in Excel, but not all are horizontal. 4 x HORIZONTAL: left, center, right, full 3 x VERTICAL: top, center, bottom
Cell color refers to the color of the square you have selected in Excel.