Vid.exe is a process file from company Logitech Inc. belonging to product Logitech Vid HD. The file is digitally signed from Logitech Inc - VeriSign Time Stamping Services Signer - G2. Though sometimes, it will make the computer run a little slower, it is not recommended to remove digitally signed files from Logitech Inc.
The file extention of any application on a computer is: '.exe' .exe = simply means executable.
the type of an application(.bat, .exe, .jar) etc.
dw20.exe is the Application Error Reporting client included with Microsoft Office 2003.
An exe file is short for an executable file; also known as an application. An exe file can only be run in a windows environment unless it is wrapped under another environment. EXE is short for executable and is the extension for an application in Windows. The EXE files are used to run programs and applications in Windows. So definitely if an EXE error occurs, you are unable to run a program or application on your system.
the type of an application(.bat, .exe, .jar) etc.
.app is the equivalent of exe on a Mac. exe stands for executable, and is run on a Windows computer. app stands for application and runs on an Apple computer. Both exe and app files 'run' on the computer and are referred to as 'executables,' 'programs,' or 'applications.'
An application is a program (generally an executable file .exe) that can be run on your system. Windows Media Player would be an application, as would Internet Explorer.
An exe file is an executable file .It may or may not be a virus. It could also be a harmless program file. You would need to run an exe file through virus total to find out if it is malicious. An exe is produced by compiling source code into object code then linking it into machine code and writing that to the exe file. Exe is short for executable and is the extension for an application on Win 32
One would have nwiz exe installed on their computer if they wanted to manage Nvidia graphics applications on their computer. It is a desktop application that runs in the background.
Exe is a file extension for an executable file, which contains a program file that is capable of being executed or run as a program in the computer. When an Exe file is opened, it makes the operating system to run the program. Exe files can easily get corrupted by hackers, so always make sure to receive exe files only from trusted sources so that they do not contain a virus. Malware programmers or cybercriminals write different types of malicious programs and name them with .exe extension to spread virus over the internet. File-intelligence is a malware search engine site. It provides detailed description of the existence of exe files with different file names.
Try accessing the application from the Program files > Start, All Programs, Magix folder, application (exe).
Any web application, buggy EXE files, and DLL libraries.