A person who repairs and maintains computers. Their responsibilities may extend to include building or configuring new hardware, installing and updating software packages and creating and maintaining computer networks.
Computer programmer, computer technician, cell phone salesperson, laser technician, avionics technician.
Well computer technician is a guarantee job..
a computer technician is a person who maintains and fixes computersA computer technician is someone who can fix problems with computers.This can be internal problems (internet connections) or external problems (wires with printers).
This website (http://factoidz.com/how-to-hire-a-great-computer-technician/) has some great information on choosing a computer technician. You should also ask for recommendations from your family or friends.
As far as I 'm aware, there is no such thing as a "Computer Technician License". However, you can get certification as a technician. It's called A+ Certification. Just Google it...
I called the technician to fix my computer it had a virus.
Computer Hardware ServicingIts a course that you should take to become a computer technician
A computer technician ?
Technician computer
form_title= PC Repair Technician form_header= Hire a trained technician to fix your computer woes! Do you want a technician to install any special software?*= () Yes () No () Not Sure What kind of computer needs repairing?*= _ [50] Please describe the problem in detail.* _ [100]
Step away from the computer and ask the user to close the document.
A computer technician is someone who fixes your computer. For example, when it crashes, he is the person that removes any corrupted files affecting your computer and makes sure that it is running without defect.